Marine Crew Health Insurance

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Essential Health Coverage for Marine Crewmembers

  • Annually renewable major health insurance for marine crew members.
  • Portable, choose from various coverage areas including your home country.
  • Marine crew health insurance covers accident, sickness, especially doctor visits, hospitalization, surgery etc. as long as they are eligible expenses.
  • Travel related benefits such as emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains included.
  • Some plans also offer maternity, wellness checkups, and pre-existing conditions coverage.
  • Various payment options available including annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly.
  • Apply online using a credit card. You would need to answer the health questionnaire and the application needs to go through underwriting.
  • Some plans require that you be employed aboard a sea-going vessel to qualify for marine health insurance.
  • You are not required to be a resident at one place. They are ideal for sailing to different places.
  • Duration of time you can spend in the US is limited in most marine crew insurance plans.

Marine Crew Health Insurance

Marine crew health insurance provides annually renewable major medical insurance plans for marine and yacht crew members while at sea and on land.

What does marine crew health insurance include?

Marine crew health insurance may be comprised of various benefits, some of these standard benefits may include:

Your vessel's P&I insurance may not provide adequate medical coverage. You need year round major medical insurance, whether on duty or off duty.

Don't get caught without marine crew health insurance, get free quotes today!

Travel Insurance Coverage Options

Depending on what is most important for you to have covered, there may be a plan better tailored to your needs:

Marine Group Health Insurance

If you are a group of 5 or more marine crew members, you can get marine group health insurance. It can be customized to meet your group's specific needs. Once you submit the request for proposal, we will provide you the proposal in a few business days. In order to get the lowest rates, it may require additional underwriting including the group's prior claim history.

Trip Cancellation Insurance

Being a crew member and aboard the ship for an extended duration can be stressful. Therefore, you may want to take a break occasionally and go on vacation. However, it is important to purchase trip cancellation insurance just in case you need to cancel your trip unexpectedly. That would help you get the refund of non-refundable prepaid trip costs for covered reasons for cancellation. Traditionally, such plans have been available to US residents only. However, we offer several plans that are available for non-US residents as well.

Visitors to USA Insurance

Many marine crew members choose a coverage area excluding the US for their marine crew insurance to control the costs. Therefore, if you will be visiting the US for a short duration, you can purchase visitors insurance that can provide temporary medical coverage while in the US. There are many visitor medical insurance plans available. They will generally cover any new medical conditions, injuries or accidents that may occur after the effective date of the policy. However, some plans may additionally cover acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to a certain amount for people up to a certain age.

Group Travel Insurance

If a group of 5 or more crew members or yacht crew is traveling outside the area where their marine crew insurance covers, they should consider purchasing group travel medical insurance. It generally provides the same coverage as the individual plans but is usually 10% cheaper. Such short term health insurance would provide medical coverage, trip interruption, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, loss of checked luggage, AD&D and several other benefits.

Did you know?

Prices are regulated by law.

You cannot find a lower price anywhere for the same product.

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